Starting a business when you finish university is a great way to own your future – and our Student Enterprise team can provide you with all the advice, support and resources you’ll need to get started.

Some people are natural entrepreneurs, they aren’t fazed by the idea of starting their own business and if things don’t work out they’ll just move on to their next idea. But for some people starting a business is a scary idea; this is where we come in, to give the support and advice needed when starting out.

So, here are 8 reasons why you should consider starting your own business after university.

1. You get to do something you love. Got a passion or hobby you like to do more? You could turn this into a career, for example as an illustrator, translator or personal trainer to name just a few.

2. Flexibility. One of the best things about running your own business is that you set your own hours. So whether you work best from 9-5pm or 7-2am, it’s completely up to you.

3. More spare time (eventually). Spend more time with your family and friends. But note: This is only applicable once your business is established and you have employees handling the majority of necessary responsibilities. Don’t expect to have more spare time until you reach this point. In fact, expect to have much less.

4. Make the money you want. As the person in charge, it is up to you how much work or clients you take on, and ultimately the money your business makes as a result.

5. Meet interesting new people. Networking can be daunting at first but it is really inspiring to meet with other entrepreneurs and professionals in your field. Plus networking could even land you a new client.

6. Create jobs. As well as creating your own job in your new business, when you grow your venture to be more than a one-person operation you will need to begin thinking about hiring other people to join you and creating new job opportunities for others.

7. Work from anywhere. One of the best things about starting your own business is that you can work from wherever you want or feel most productive. Whether that means working from home, renting an office or hotdesking in a co-working space or perhaps even working on a sandy beach! Just make sure you can connect to the internet.

8. There’s nothing stopping you. If you want to become an entrepreneur, there is nothing holding you back. Take up our offer of advice and support, and run that business you’ve always dreamed of.

Got an idea you want to work on, looking to learn how to go freelance or juts want to find out something else about startup businesses, we are here to help! Get in touch with us.