Our Launchpad programme kicked off last week with an introductory Bootcamp for the 15 teams taking part! The busy and exciting day set up the framework for the next 12 weeks ahead.

The programme focuses around the idea that there are no failures, only feedback on how to do things better. The participants began by dividing into groups and talking about the problems that their businesses would try to solve, before moving on to look at a real-world case study. After discussing the example, the students worked their own ideas into a Business Model Canvas: 9 steps that are essential in order to keep ideas moving.

We weren’t all work and no play though! To end the Bootcamp day, Accelerator hosted drinks and networking outside in the sunshine. It was a great evening that gave the Launchpad participants a chance to meet and chat with some of the startups that are based at Accelerator. We can’t wait to watch the startups learn and grow over the next 12 weeks!

Read about Session 1 here!